The Botanical Research Institutes of America is an exploratory startup working side-by-side with local communities to reimagine the idea of the traditional research institute.

How do we fund research and conservation work?  How do we make this meaningful work available to the broadest possible spectrum of people in our communities?  How can we ensure that the entire community benefits from new advancements discovered as we work?

To fight the current global mass extinction event, we must harness the energy of every willing human being. But outdated operating frameworks have kept research science at arms length from the general public. Join us as we explore how technology and cooperative learning can be harnessed to weave cutting edge science into the fabric of everyday life in communities of all shapes and sizes.



Help humanity transition to a ‘new earth’ that is a safe and welcoming home for all species.

By the year 2050, the story of the Anthropocene Epoch will have evolved from earth’s greatest tragedy into humanity’s greatest triumph. As we successfully reimagine what it means to live on a thriving planet, BRIA citizens will be at the forefront of the groundbreaking cultural and physical change necessary to bring an end to global mass extinction.

The Botanical Research Institutes of America will serve in this effort by bringing our emerging community the tools, knowledge, and inspiration they need to help save life on earth.







Bring world class conservation botany to every city and town in America.

Join us in creating a new global model for conservation, starting right in your own community. Together, we will create thriving hyperlocal ‘conservation communities’ dedicated to saving and celebrating life on our planet.

We’re calling on students…and students of life. Gardeners with green thumbs, and anyone who’s ever felt guilty for forgetting to water the plant on their windowsill. Influencers and introverts. Do you know the seven types of trees in minecraft? You. We’re calling on you.

Let’s rescue the biosphere.



We believe there is no greater legacy to leave our children than earth’s biodiversity, intact.

We believe that, given the right tools, the young, the elderly, the disenfranchised, the underprivileged are not only capable of saving life on earth—they are among the most capable. This is a job for all humanity.

We believe that we must always first seek to uplift each other, because a human who can best help is a human who is whole in spirit.

We believe that the audacious goal of saving life on earth must be matched by audacious innovation. Experimentation and creativity are our lifeblood.


The Model

The Botanical Research Institutes of America, Inc. is a Public Benefit Corporation.  BRIA’s public purpose is to serve as a biodiversity action platform, deeply engaging local communities in the conservation and restoration of the biosphere. 


Why is BRIA set up as a Public Benefit Corporation rather than a nonprofit? 


Diverse, creative and ethical funding mechanisms are key to building conservation-minded communities that last. At BRIA, we believe that human and ecological communities must both benefit from the bioeconomy.

For example, our unexplored soil and plant microbiomes hold treasures for humanity.  As large corporations seek the next medical breakthrough or bio-product, the focus is primarily on shareholder benefit.  At BRIA, we believe a powerful new investment infrastructure can be built that places power in the hands of local communities, is regenerative not destructive, and respects life on earth above all else.


Hyperlocal conservation brings conservation science right to your back yard.


Botany. Everywhere.

Backyards, campuses, hotel grounds, corporate parks… this is where the future of plant conservation lies.

What is hyperlocal conservation?  Real science happening where you live and work. Real relationships between property owners, scientists and students. Donors large and small seeing their dollars at work in their own communities. Young aspiring scientists finding meaningful employment right in their own neighborhoods.

Scaling at speed requires systems thinking.


Innovation that can be replicated.  Automation that breaks down barriers to participation. Data collection focused on outcomes—for the biosphere, and for the people who are saving it.  We’re developing a future-proof ecosystem where the work of conservation can thrive.

Participatory governance puts power back in the hands of local communities.


Today, participatory governance is made increasingly viable and effective via technologies that allow for:

  • efficient and equitable community decision-making,
  • transparent finances and resource management,
  • wealth building and investment managed by local stakeholder communities, and
  • an open, well-documented history of the development of governance structures and policies.

The Botanical Research Institutes of America is dedicated to the principles of evolutionary distributed governance. While this will pose complex challenges in the development of legal certainty and risk management, we look forward to co-creating a better shared future for all BRIA stakeholders…and for our planet.



Where is botanical research currently happening in the United States?

The following institutions are active conservation science practitioners. They are accredited by or official partners of:


  • ArbNet (Morton Register of Arboreta)
  • Botanic Gardens Conservation International
  • Center for Plant Conservation